Meet the Blogger: Jessica Watson
We can't wait for you to meet our latest blogger, Jessica from Four Plus an Angel. A mom to five kids- four in her arms, one in her heart- she has traveled quite the journey. Read on for her unique...
We can't wait for you to meet our latest blogger, Jessica from Four Plus an Angel. A mom to five kids- four in her arms, one in her heart- she has traveled quite the journey. Read on for her unique...
Meet the Blogger - Rob Gorski We are really excited to kick off the back-to-school season with some fantastic new bloggers in our community! Today, we start with Rob from Lost and Tired, a dad with three boys on the...
TMI. Too. Much. Information. For teenagers today, every thought, impulse, rivalry, and broken heart is open fodder for the world. When they get angry, they Tweet about it. When they get inspired, they update their Facebook status. Though this generation...
Kids Count 2012 Data Book Reveals Low Numbers in Preschool Education across the Races Fewer than half (47%) of all American children attended preschool from 2008-2010. However this number, as was reported in the Anne E. Casey Foundation’s 23rd annual...
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Is changing views about alcohol and pregnancy:They do not mix. This creed is something often repeated to women expecting children nowadays even though it is a truth we have only just discovered. In fact, Fetal Alcohol...
Two Years after High School, Those with Autism Likely to Be Disengaged For teachers and school counselors in the K-12 system, integrating classrooms and curriculum for special education students is a constant challenge. Whether these students have learning disabilities, speech/...
[caption id="attachment_1708" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image by Scott Chan"][/caption] Recently, I wrote a post about a study conducted by researchers at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire which shed important light onto the influence that smoking in movies has upon adolescent...
The early detection of autism spectrum disorders along with any other type of developmental delay has long been agreed to be of the utmost importance when it comes to treatment. Over the years, as autism diagnosis numbers continue to climb,...
In the digital age, parents are increasingly concerned about the influence of social media websites like Facebook on their developing adolescents. There are two camps here. In one, children are getting accounts at younger and younger ages. In the other,...
Not too long ago the definition of a rated ‘R’ movie was a far cry from what it is today. I remember clearly the first time I saw one, not to date myself, but it was The Bodyguard starring Whitney...
[caption id="attachment_1688" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Image credit: David Castillo Dominici"][/caption] The true consequences of domestic violence and childhood abuse are one of the great mysteries of mental health. As painful as it is to even mention, the recent trial of Penn...
In case you haven’t noticed, one of Hollywood’s favorite bad boys is back on TV. Charlie Sheen’s new sitcom Anger Management recently debuted on FX and set a record for the most watched sitcom premiere in cable history. Playing a...