Bingo Games for Teens Set of 10
- Engaging game format makes discussing difficult topics easier
- Help teens evaluate their attitudes and behavior
- Each game includes 16 laminated cards, 75 calling cards, plus instructions
- For up to 16 players
- Ages:12-18
Set includes one each of the following:
Drug Prevention Bingo - Understand why kids use drugs, recognizing drug problems, effects of drug use, and saying "no."
Smoking Prevention Bingo - Address why kids smoke, the effects of smoking, the facts about tobacco, ways to say no, and smoking prevention activities
Alcohol Prevention Bingo - Each card contains a fact or idea to get the group thinking about why they should not use alcohol. Also, includes the handout, "Twenty Questions About Problem Drinking."
Anger Bingo - Teach teens how to identify triggers, diagnose symptoms, and control/prevent anger.
Recovery Bingo - Help teens experiencing recovery understand self-inventory, danger zones- relapse warning signs, planning for recovery, and more.
Stress Bingo - Discuss external stressors, internal stressors, physical stress symptoms, emotional/behavioral stress symptoms, and stress relievers.
Social Skills Bingo - This game focuses on these five important areas: positive and negative characteristics, verbal and nonverbal communication, getting along, and common interests.
Resiliency Bingo - Help teens increase their coping skills, self-awareness, internal motivation, honesty, and trust, as they experience their own ability to be resilient.
Self-Esteem Bingo - Discuss five different areas of self-esteem: benefits of self-esteem, self-esteem busters, self-esteem boosters, acknowledging strengths, and taking responsibility.
Healthy Relationships Bingo - Explore what to look for in a healthy relationship, obstacles to a healthy relationship, red flags, green flags, and skills to building a healthy relationship.