Teachers Need Motivation, Too — Childs Work Childs Play
Teachers Need Motivation, Too

Teachers Need Motivation, Too

It’s Monday morning and if you all are anything like I am, the stress of the week is especially apparent as you sit down at your desks or stand up at the heads of your classrooms. We’re at the end of the semester at the community college where I teach which means that most of my time for the next couple of weeks will be spent with final exams, grade books, and department paperwork. At times like this, it’s easy to lose the “whys” of our jobs. There so much to do and so many people who expect you to do it yesterday. That’s why I was so happy to find this video posted this morning on a blog I routinely read. Though it was put together for only one school district, the messages contained in this 4:45 clip about the importance of believing in yourself, your colleagues, and your students, is an important one to keep in mind as the school year draws to a close. When it comes to being the best educators that we can be, teachers need motivation, too. I hope this provides some for you all. Feel free to share your thoughts and reactions. Video Link
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