Bloom’s Taxonomy: Has Knowledge Become Outdated?
During the middle of the twentieth century a psychologist name Benjamin Bloom created a classification system to identify levels of thinking. This arrangement is known as Bloom’s Taxonomy. Intellectual processes are ordered from the most basic, “knowledge” to the most complex, “evaluation”. Recently, Bloom’s Taxonomy has been updated to reflect modern research and educational principles. The two versions are illustrated below. 
The rapid growth of technology has contrived tools which gather, sort, and announce information at levels far superior to human beings. With the addition of smartphones, iPads, and other tablets, we can now utilize these tools regularly throughout our professional and personal routines. So, the question becomes, has technology caused knowledge to become outdated? Knowledge Is Outdated The wealth of information that is at our fingertips, made possible due to the latest technologies, lessens the need for memorization of facts. Therefore, higher levels of thinking can occur without one possessing the knowledge base that was once necessary for past generations. Ask yourself what’s more important:

- to know the Pythagorean Theorem or to know how to use technology to access it?
- to know the date of the Boston Tea Party or the ability to use technology to access the information about it?
- to memorize the Periodic Table or the capability to use technology to find it and compare elements?
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